Large investments in fusion power - could provide green and safe electricity

Just before Christmas, the team at Novatron Fusion Group AB and CEO Peter Roos met with senior business and tech correspondent Alexander Norén at SVT (Swedish national public service television company) to talk about the potential of fusion power to provide clean, safe, and affordable electricity, potentially disrupting the energy market.

Alexander Norén from SVT at Culham Centre for Fusion Energy in the UK

Companies are actively investing in this technology, with expectations to supply electricity to the grid within a few decades. Collaborative efforts, such as those with KTH Royal Institute of Technology and the UK Atomic Energy Authority, focus on stabilizing plasma within reactors—a critical fusion challenge.

"The government has significantly increased investments in recent years, partly to develop fossil-free base load power, but also for the economic opportunities this industry can bring," says Tim Bestwick, Chief Development Officer at UKAEA"

While Swedish Novatron Fusion Group targets commercial application by 2040, other fusion energy companies like Helion aims for 2030, boosted by significant investments, including $375 million from OpenAI's CEO.

Inger Frii Fleerackers, Senior Project Manager, Novatron Fusion Group at the Novatron Lab, KTH Royal Institute of Technology in Sweden

The role of AI is pivotal, both in driving energy demand and accelerating fusion development.

Lila Ibrahim is the COO of Google DeepMind, a world leading AI research company that aims to solve intelligence to advance science and benefit humanity

Read the full article and watch the TV-segment, about how fusion works and the AI advancements being made in the field. (in Swedish only)


Collaborative fusion partnership with Oxford Sigma


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